MCD John O'Brien Festival at Narranderra 2003 Dance Display Notes

Display sets are:

Alberts Quadrille, Fig 1 - danced as couple lines facing
tops R&L thru, BR swing partners, top ladies chain, tops promenade around, BR swing partners; repeat.
Alberts Quadrille, Fig 2
1st couple lead up, back, up & BR swing to top lines, lines advance & retire, BR swing partners; repeat.
Alberts Quadrille, Fig 3
1st ladies & opposite man swing, partners cross over, 1st couple lead thru & back, swing corners; repeat 2nd lady leads.
Alberts Quadrille, Fig 4
slow waltz R&L thru, circle up & spanish waltz chain, waltz around opposites twice to place, mazurka round once; repeat.
Double Coulons Quadrille, Fig 5
ladies adv curtsey & retire, men adv bow & form basket with ladies, basket L&R, BR swing partner, tops gallop in & out & across with sides interleaved, repeat gallops back, BR swing partners, double ladies chain; repeat with sides leading gallops.
Ithaca Polka Quadrille, Fig 4
tops polka outside around side couple to R, all turn partners RH, repeat sides polka outside to R; repeat tops polka inside round side couple to L; repeat sides polka inside to L.
Ithaca Polka Quadrille, Fig 5
tops star R&L, sides star R&L, all turn partners RH, 1st lady & opposite man chassez round each other to R into top lines, lines heel & toe advance, all turn partner RH to place; repeat starting tops with 2nd lady leading; repeat sides star & 3rd lady; repeat sides star & 4th lady; polka set to finish.
Kent Quadrille, Fig 1, 2x32W
top ladies turn as men chassez to centre, set & 2H turn partners; tops adv, ladies retire, and turn, men retire as ladies turn again; tops adv, RH set to opposite, do-si-do opposites; grand square (tops FBFF, sides FFFB); repeat sides leading.
Kent Quadrille, Fig 2, 2x32 2/4
1st couple adv, set and 2H swing partner (2T); set and 2H swing own corners (3T); set and 2H swing partner (3T); tops couples R&L through with twirls; repeat with 3rd couple leading.
Kent Quadrille, Fig 3, 1x80W
tops couples slow R&L through (16); side couples slow R&L through (16); all set & 2H turn partners (1T); top ladies chain; side ladies chain; grand square (tops FBFF, sides FFFB); all waltz set (16).
Kent Quadrille, Fig 4, 2x32 2/4
gallop corners in and out x2; all ladies star RH to place (6), curtsey to partners (2); 1st man sets to each lady in turn; all 2H swing partners; repeat with 3rd men leading.
Kent Quadrille, Fig 5, 2x24 6/8
1st lady and opposite man adv and 2H turn half way, 1st man and opposite lady adv and 2H turn half way; 1st couple lead through to place, and lead back to opposite place, and change places; half R&L through, 2H turn partners; repeat with 3rd couple leading.
Kent Quadrille, Fig 6, 2x40+ 2/4
men whirlygig around starting with partners (turn RH 6, on 2); all ladies adv & curtsey, all men adv & bow; promenade partners to place (skaters hold); grand square (tops FBSF, sides SFFB); repeat sides leading; all 2H swing partners to finish.
King George Square, 2x32J quadrille
set & swing partner; set & swing corner; (4 ladies chain across/promenade)x2; square strip the willow; circle left; promenade to place;
New French Cotillion, Fig 1
tops R&L, all advance & retire twice, half grand chain and turn round, reverse half grand chain back and turn round in place, solo waltz set with pirouettes half way and in place; repeat sides leading R&L.
New French Cotillion, Fig 5
solo waltz cw round set with men backing ladies with fans, ladies advance & retire, turn corners, men advance & retire, turn corners into top lines, lines slow adv & retire with side pirouettes; repeat forming side lines with top pirouettes on retire; waltz set to finish.
Prince of Wales / Berlin Schottische
Prince of Wales: 8 quick slip steps round LOD then back, 2 slow into centre ¼ turn and out, step hop turn, repeat last part. Berlin Schottische: 2 slow & 4 quick slip steps round LOD x2 repeat back, waltz chassez to centre ¼ turn and out, waltz, repeat last part.
Speedy Quadrille, Fig 4 (2x32)
tops half R&L thru, swing corners & keep; sides half R&L thru, swing corners & keep; tops repeat to place; sides repeat to place;

Lawrie Brown / 13 Mar 2003