MCD Dance Display Cheat Notes

Alberts Quadrille, Fig 1 - danced as couple lines facing
tops R&L thru, BR swing partners, top ladies chain, tops promenade around, BR swing partners; repeat.
Alberts Quadrille, Fig 2
1st couple lead up, back, up & BR swing to top lines, lines advance & retire, BR swing partners; repeat.
Alberts Quadrille, Fig 3
1st ladies & opposite man swing, partners cross over, 1st couple lead thru & back, swing corners; repeat 2nd lady leads.
Alberts Quadrille, Fig 4
slow waltz R&L thru, circle up & spanish waltz chain, waltz around opposites twice to place, mazurka round once; repeat.
Berlin Schottische
2 slow & 4 quick slip steps round LOD x2 repeat back, waltz chassez to centre ¼ turn and out, waltz, repeat last part.
Cheltenham Flyer, 3x32J longways 3
ladies weave; men weave; tops down & back to bottom; all down & back;
Circassian Circle Pt1, 4x32R sicilian
rights & left through; set & 2H swing partner; ladies chain; promenade on;
Circassian Circle Pt2, 2x32J circle
adv & retire twice; L adv & retire / M adv & return to corner; swing corner; promenade;
Circassian Circle Pt5, 4x32J, sicillian
star L&R; set & turn partner; gallop across & back (men pass back 2 back); 1/2 ladies chain, pass thru
Circle Waltz, 4x32W, circle
(balance fwd & back, pass ladies across)x4; sway in & out, turn in / sway out & in, turn out; chassez in & out / waltz;
Circular Polka, P, couples
polka round and off.
Country Bumpkin, 3x32J longways set of 4
top lady set to 2nd man/2H swing 3rd man; top man set to 2nd lady/2H swing 3rd; tops lead to bottom & cast to place; circle of 4 to left / tops cast to bottom;
County Cotillion, 8+2x128+32W, quadrille
lead couple visit; (ladies solo/men solo)x2; (ladies advance, balance, all solo)x2; (ladies RH star & men chase/turn partner/waltz to place)x2; grand circle x2; ladies advance, curtsey, balance, form top lines; (lines advance, retire, pass through)x2; waltz to place;
Dinki One Step, couples in circle
points man LF fwd lady RF back, other way, man fwd 4 steps, repeat, point to mans L then R, chassez in & out, pivot x4 (or waltz 2);
Double Coulons Quadrille, Fig 5
ladies adv curtsey & retire, men adv bow & form basket with ladies, basket L&R, BR swing partner, tops gallop in & out & across with sides interleaved, repeat gallops back, BR swing partners, double ladies chain; repeat with sides leading gallops.
Double Galop Quadrille, 2x32G quadrille
circle advances & retires / BR swing partner; tops then sides gallop in, out & across; repeat back; top ladies chain; repeat dance with sides leading;
Eightsome Reel, 40+8x48+40R quadrille (1234 cw)
A: circle L&R; ladies RH wheel/ men LH wheel; set & swing partner; grand chain;
B: [lead to centre while others circle L&R; lead set & turn partner/opposite; reel of 3]x8 (once only each); A part;
Fitzroys, quadrille
Figure 1 (2x40)
R&L through; swing partners; ladies chain; promenade; swing partners; sides repeat;
Figure 2 (4x32)
top M swing; swing corners; promenade corners; swing; repeat 3 times;
Figure 3 (2x48)
turn ladies to centre, curtsey, retire / ladies advance then men, circle up for basket; basket; M LH wheel 16; M to centre while L circle L; L LH wheel;
Figure 4 (2x40+32)
tops waltz set twice (16); top L cross / side L cross; top M cross / side M cross; waltz; sides repeat; waltz set and hall
Flying Pieman, 3x32J 8 couples in 2 lines of 4
ladies weave; men weave; tops down & back to 2nd place; lines of 3 down & back ex tops;
Four Sisters Barn Dance, 4x8M, couples
chassez diag R&L twice / step hop fwd x4, M turn L under arm x4;
Galop Quadrille, 2x32G quadrille
circle advances & retires / BR swing partner; tops gallop in, out & across; repeat back; ladies chain; repeat dance with sides leading;
Gay Gordons , couples in circle
walk fwd 4 turn back 4, repeat back, man walks as lady turns under his R arm 4, polka on;
German Tempest, 4x32, double sicilian
circle skip L; galop across & crossovers, galop back & crossovers; center & ends circle L, center & ends LH back; advance, retire, cpls pass on;
Grand March
couples lead on once around; cross & cast; cross & meet at bottom, lead up; cast; meet at bottom, lead up; couples cast alternating to place;
Gundagai Barn Dance, couples in circle
3step lift & back, ladies move on, wheel ladies cw into ladies star, wheel partner out, set apart together waltz on, back ladies to centre, retire, waltz on.
Haymaker's Jig (SA), 5x64J, longways
advance & retire; top lady RH turn bottom man, top man RH turn bottom lady; top lady then top man LH turn; top lady then top man 2H turn; top lady then top man honour; tops cast off, tops lead up under arches by others; tops cross RH and weave to bottom LH, RH, LH; all swing
Ithaca Polka Quadrille, Fig 4
tops polka outside around side couple to R, all turn partners RH, repeat sides polka outside to R; repeat tops polka inside round side couple to L; repeat sides polka inside to L.
Ithaca Polka Quadrille, Fig 5
tops star R&L, sides star R&L, all turn partners RH, 1st lady & opposite man chassez round each other to R into top lines, lines heel & toe advance, all turn partner RH to place; repeat starting tops with 2nd lady leading; repeat sides star & 3rd lady; repeat sides star & 4th lady; polka set to finish.
Kent Quadrille, Fig 1, 2x32W
top ladies turn as men chassez to centre, set & 2H turn partners; tops adv, ladies retire, and turn, men retire as ladies turn again; tops adv, RH set to opposite, do-si-do opposites; grand square (tops FBFF, sides FFFB); repeat sides leading.
Kent Quadrille, Fig 4, 2x32 2/4
gallop corners in and out x2; all ladies star RH to place (6), curtsey to partners (2); 1st man sets to each lady in turn; all 2H swing partners; repeat with 3rd men leading.
Kent Quadrille, Fig 6, 2x40+ 2/4
men whirlygig around starting with partners (turn RH 6, on 2); all ladies adv & curtsey, all men adv & bow; promenade partners to place (skaters hold); grand square (tops FBSF, sides SFFB); repeat sides leading; all 2H swing partners to finish.
King George Square, 2x32J quadrille
set & swing partner; set & swing corner; (4 ladies chain across/promenade)x2; square strip the willow; circle left; promenade to place;
Kreuz Polka
chassez side x3 heel-toe thru inside, chassez back x3 heel-toe thru inside, polka round set;
La Galopade, 4x32R, 8 couples in 2 lines of 4
advance & retire, advance & swap ladies; repeat; ladies chain; tops gallop waltz to bottom;
La Tempete, 3x48R, double sicilian
advance & retire twice (all start RF with point at end); couples slip step change with opposites (rh end thru middle of opp couple); change back (lh end through middle); center circle L&R while ends 2H turn; center star R&L while ends turn RH&LH; advance, retire, pass on as couples;
Longways Set Medley, 4x32J, longways set of 4
Flying Pieman
ladies weave; men weave; tops slipstep down & back to 2nd place; lines of 3 down & back ex tops;
Haste to the Wedding
top couples star R & L; tops slipstep down & set, repeat to place; tops with lady 2 half circle, post her to place, repeat with man 2; tops swing to bottom;
top 2 couples diamond petronella (2s step up at start, straight out at end); tops slipstep down & back; tops swing to bottom;
Country Bumpkin
top lady set to 2nd man/2H swing 3rd; top man set to 2nd lady/2H swing 3rd; tops lead to bottom & cast to place; circle of 4 to left/tops cast to bottom;
Love 'em and Leave 'Em, 2x64J quadrille, Sydney (BMC)
(tops adv&retire while sides chase; sides adv&retire while tops chase)x2; tops adv, gallop out side with opp, polka to place; sides repeat; tops adv, circle, 2H turn orig partner to place; sides repeat; top ladies chain across; side ladies chain across; all men cast 1 place; promenade new partner to mans place;
Margarets Waltz, 2x32W sicilian
advance & retire/ RH turn opposite; LH turn partner/ ladies chain across; chassez to right & left/ star to place; do-si-do opposite/ waltz on;
Mind the Dresser , sicilian
circle L, RH star, circle R, LH star; 1's fig-8, 2's fig-8, ½ chain & promenade opp, ½ chain & promenade partner, R & L thru, adv retire progress (1's about face on retire & cast on).
New French Cotillion, Fig 1
tops R&L, all advance & retire twice, half grand chain and turn round, reverse half grand chain back and turn round in place, solo waltz set with pirouettes half way and in place; repeat sides leading R&L.
New French Cotillion, Fig 5
solo waltz cw round set with men backing ladies with fans, ladies advance & retire, turn corners, men advance & retire, turn corners into top lines, lines slow adv & retire with side pirouettes; repeat forming side lines with top pirouettes on retire; waltz set to finish.
Pam Gainsfords Delight, longways set with couples 2 & 4 improper
lines adv, ladies retire with opp man & swing to form top lines, repeat forming side lines, top lines, side lines, ladies chain, gates up, gates down, tops ½ RH star & set, middles ½ LH star & top 3 couples set, bottoms ½ RH star & all set, swing partner around once to place.
Parisienne, sicilian
Figure 3 (2x24)
1st lady LH round 2nd man into line of 4, balance, promenade, swing
Figure 4 (2x48)
1st couple lead up and pass lady across, 2nd man in line of 3 adv, retire, adv and pass ladies across, 1st man in line of 3 adv, retire, adv into circle, circle to L and R, promenade, swing
Figure 5 (2x32)
gallop double été swing, ladies chain
Polka Quadrille, 2x64P
polkade to L, tops R&L through, sides R&L through, tops visit, top ladies chain, side ladies chain, polka set twice; repeat sides leading
Polka Quadrille (Maitland), 2x32P
polkade to L, tops polka across and back, top ladies chain, all polka set; repeat sides leading
Polka Cotillion (Ithica) Fig 2, 2x32P quadrille
ladies polka to left on inside and men to right on outside meeting in opposite place (6), RH turn partner (4); continue with a grand chain to place (6); RH turn partner (4); polka set (12); repeat moving in other direction;
Polka Cotillion (Ithica) Fig 4, 2x32P quadrille
tops polka round couple to R outside then back inside to place; ladies adv & retire; RH turn partner; sides repeat; tops polka round couple to L inside then back outside to place; men adv & retire; RH turn partner; sides repeat;
Polka Cotillion (Ithica) Fig 5, 4x32P quadrille
tops star R&L, sides star R&L, all RH turn partner, 1L&2M chassez diag R & take 2H to turn to place, top lines adv heel & toe polka, RH turn partner to place; repeat tops star & 2L&1M lead; repeat sides star & 3L&4M lead; repeat sides star & 4L&3M lead;
Prince of Wales Schotticshe, 12S, couples
galop 8 steps along LOD, gallop 8 steps back; chassez 2 along, chassez 2 back, waltz 2; chassez 2 along, chassez 2 back, waltz 2;
Princess Polka, couples in circle
heel-toe change sides x4, polkade fwd x8
Royal Irish, Fig 3 (Lines of 4 figure), 4x24 quadrille
lead lady turn LH with opp man into line of 4 with RH to partner / all set, promenade once around, swing; repeat side lady leading; repeat other diag top then side ladies leading;
Royal Irish, Fig 4 (3&1 figure), 4x48 quadrille
tops lead up & retire, tops lead up & pass lady across to 2M in line of 3, line adv / retire, adv / pass ladies back to 1M, line adv / retire, adv / turn ladies into circle, circle L, circle R, promenade once around, swing; repeat sides leading; repeat other diag tops & sides;
Royal Victorias Quadrille - Fig 2
lady 1 & opp man adv retire & turn RH, whirlygig RH to corner, LH to next, RH to next, LH to partner in opp place; repeat lady 3 lead.
Royal Victorias Quadrille - Fig 4
all ladies chain, lead couple adv in turn adv out turn, repeat, all ladies to centre LH, all men walk & turn to hold partner RH, RH turn partner, chasses to swap places & back, RH turn partner, repeat couple 3 leading.
Royal Victorias Quadrille - Fig 5
tops gallop round inside, gallop in out in and swap ladies, nariel ladies chain, gallop in out in and swap ladies back, all BR swing; repeat sides leading.
Scot-Tas Quadrille, 4x40, quadrille, (1234 acw), Tasmania
all circle L 7 & turn out; all circle back to L & turn in; lead couple cross thru side couples, meet below, lead in thru opposite and each turn to face to side; triangle set with sides; cast thru side and below retaining hand hold then cross to opposite side; set in triangles and cast up to place retaining hand hold; all swing; repeat 3 more times.
Soldiers Joy, 2x32R sicilian
advance & retire / swing opposite; reverse swing partner / swing partner; ladies chain; advance & retire / advance & pass on;
Speedy Quadrille, 4 fig, quadrille (1423 cw), Manangatang, Vic
Figure 1 (4x32)
lead couple promenade; all adv & retire; swing corners x4; swing partner; repeat with each couple leading
Figure 2 (4x24)
lead couple adv, separate and join opp; ladies lead back across whilst others lead ladies to join ladies line & men continue to mens line; men & ladies lines adv & retire twice; adv to centre line; swing to place;
Figure 3 (2x32)
1st man to centre for solo whilst others step-hop circle L; repeat with each man; then repeat with each lady whilst others circle R;
Figure 4 (2x32)
tops half R&L thru, swing corners & keep; sides repeat to place; sides half R&L thru, swing corners & keep; tops repeat to place;
Stern Polka
cpls polka around, grand cross (man LH on next gents elbow), men turn in & clap (knees, own out, above, knees, own out) rpt while women skip around outside, at end polka new partner to repeat;
Stockyards, 4x32J, circle
advance & retire twice; swing corner; promenade; swing partner
Swedish Masquerade, couples in circle
march fwd 8, turn, back 8; waltz apart-together x2, waltz on, repeat; polka apart-together x2, polka on; repeat;
(Australian) Tempest, 4x32, double sicilian
circle L&R; galop across & back; center star & ends swing R&L; advance, retire, pass on;
Thrushes Nest quadrille (German Set Waltz)
tops waltz inside leaving ladies in centre, sides waltz inside leaving ladies in centre, man chase cw outside while ladies circle acw inside end in cut circle, circle expand & contract x2, grand chain all round, lead couple windup waltz visit, others cascade forming line behind, waltz home at end.
(fwd turn acw 123 point, fwd turn cw 123 point)x4; (mazurka x2, turn 123pt)x4
Waltz Cotillion (Liverpool Plains), 2x128W, quadrille
tops waltz set, top ladies adv retire & cross over, side ladies same, top men same, side men same; tops waltz home outside, sides waltz home outside; top & bottom lines adv retire & cross over, adv retire & cross back; reverse waltz chain half-way & ack partner, turn & waltz chain home; waltz set; repeat sides leading.
Waltz Country Dance, 2x48W sicilian
balance fwd & back with opposite, change places / repeat with partner; opposite /partner; (balance fwd & back in circle, pass ladies across)x4; waltz round opposite & on;
Waltz Medley, 4x32W
Palma Waltz (2x16)
fwd 2, turn, back 3, fwd 2, turn, back 3, fwd 4 slow, chassez diag L&R x2, fwd 2, turn lady out, in, waltz
St Bernards Waltz (2x16)
chassez L x3 & stamp x2, chassez R x2, 2 steps in, 2 steps out, turn lady under while man chassez L, waltz;
Circle Waltz, (2x32)
(balance fwd & back, pass ladies across)x4; sway in & out, turn in / sway out & in, turn out; chassez in & out / waltz;

Waltz Medley, 4x32W
Waterfall Waltz, (2x32) Pat Shaw, 1966
men RH turn/ do-si-do opposite; ladies RH turn/ do-si-do partner; chassez side, 2H turn/ chassez back, 2H turn; waltz on;
Margarets Waltz, (2x32) Pat Shaw, 1970's
advance & retire/ RH turn opposite; LH turn partner/ ladies chain across; chassez to right & left/ star to place; do-si-do opposite/ waltz on;

Waltz Medley, 4x32W
Waterfall Waltz, (1x32) Pat Shaw, 1966
men RH turn/ do-si-do opposite; ladies RH turn/ do-si-do partner; chassez side, 2H turn/ chassez back, 2H turn; waltz on;
Margarets Waltz, (1x32) Pat Shaw, 1970's
advance & retire/ RH turn opposite; LH turn partner/ ladies chain across; chassez to right & left/ star to place; do-si-do opposite/ waltz on;
June's Waltz, (1x32) Peter Foster, 1980's
half RH turn opp, half RH star, half RH turn opp; half LH turn partner, half LH star, half LH turn partner; half ladies chain, half promenade / men cross LH & ladies turn, turn partner; waltz on
Circle Waltz, (1x32)
(balance fwd & back, pass ladies across)x4; sway in & out, turn in / sway out & in, turn out; chassez in & out / waltz;

Waltz Medley, 5x32W
Kings Waltz (2x16)
walk 3 swinging lady in to face on 4, rock twice; chassez in & out, waltz;
Waltz Oxford (1x32)
walk fwd 2 slow 3 quick, walk back 2 slow 3 quick; rock in & out, chassez in, rock out & in, chassez out; walk fwd 2 slow 3 quick, repeat; waltz on;
Valeta Waltz (2x16)
balance apart, together, slide L x2 & turn; repeat back; waltz x2, slide L x2, waltz x4;
St Bernards Waltz (2x16)
slide L x3 & stamp x2, slide R x2, 2 steps in, 2 steps out, turn lady, waltz;
around and out to longways formation

Waltz Medley, 5x32W
Valeta Waltz, 2x16W
balance apart, together, slide L x2 & turn; repeat back; waltz x2, slide L x2, waltz x4;
Merry Widow Waltz, 2x32W
walk fwd 2, diag L 2, point RF to front, to R, close, dip; walk back 2 slow 3 quick, rock fwd & back RF, step fwd RF and turn to face out, slide to L & R, both solo turn 3 & bow, waltz;
Circle Waltz, 2x32W
(balance fwd & back, pass ladies across)x4; sway in & out, turn in / sway out & in, turn out; chassez in & out / waltz;

Waltz Medley, 2x40W + 4x32W, sicilian
Waltz Country Dance, 2x40W, sicilian
balance fwd & back with opposite, change places / repeat with partner; opposite / partner; (balance fwd & back in circle, pass ladies across with twirl) x4; waltz round opposite & on;
Spanish Waltz, 2x32W, sicilian
balance fwd & back with partner, change places with opposite ladies under / repeat with opposite; partner / opposite; RH star; LH star; waltz round opposite & on;
Circle Waltz, 2x32W, circle
(balance fwd & back in circle, pass ladies across and honour) x4; sway in & out, turn in / sway out & in, turn out; chassez in & out / waltz;

Waterfall Waltz, 2x32W sicilian
men RH turn/ do-si-do opposite; ladies RH turn/ do-si-do partner; chassez side, 2H turn/ chassez back, 2H turn; waltz on;
Audience Participation Dances
.... team splits and takes people from crowd

[Monaro Colonial Dancers]
Lawrie Brown / 24 Aug 2004